What Are Some Top Tips on Marketing?

If I were to sum up marketing, I'd quote one of my clients who described it as a marathon, not a sprint. It's definitely a long-term strategy. Knowing that, my best and what I think most essential advice is set the goal of getting at least thirty reviews right out of the gate (as opposed to selling lots of books), even before your official launch, if you can.

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Manuscript Critique or Developmental Editing: How Do I Decide?

Does my novel need developmental editing?

Here’s a question I get from a lot of new writers. “Need” is a word that implies your book will not sell a single copy unless it has been written to the highest literary standards (which, of course, is subjective to some degree). The simple fact is, this isn’t true. The actual question an author should ask themselves and their editor is: How much will my book be improved by developmental editing (also known as content editing)?

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